This report summarises the results of a pan-European study, part funded by
the European Commission SAVE programme, on the potential for micro and mini CHP
in Europe. The study, which ran from April 2001 to April 2002, had the
objectives:- to evaluate the technologies, markets and players; to assess grid
connection and electricity payment issues; to estimate the possible system
take-up in different countries up to 2020 ; to assess potential energy, CO2
emission reductions and cost savings; and to propose possible routes by which
the new technology could be exploited.
The project team brought together experts from the cogeneration, electricity,
gas, housing, renewable energies and small generation industries, as well as
experience in the coordination, planning and forecasting functions. The project
was coordinated by Faber Maunsell Ltd (previously ECD Energy and Environment)
with partners the European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration (COGEN
Europe), Energy for Sustainable Development Ltd (ESD), EA Technology Ltd,
European Union of the Natural Gas Industry (EUROGAS-GERG), SIGMA Elektroteknisk
AS, and Enervac- Flutec Ltd.